Most people just spend their money on nursing home care until they’re broke. It doesn’t have to be that way. With a solid Medicaid Protection Plan, our team of highly-skilled… read more →
Why use RL to build your wealth? It’s quite simple. It is the one of the only wealth-building tools available that allows you to grow money tax-free (income and capital… read more →
How Many Other Ways Do You Have to Tax-Deduct Up to $1.2 MILLION Dollars Pre-Tax into a Tax-Favorable Entity You own? Owning your own Closely-held Insurance Company (”CIC” — also… read more →
What is a “single premium” Life (SPL) policy? It’s a policy designed to act partially like an annuity and partially like a long-term care (LTC) policy. Most life insurance policies… read more →
Thank you for your interest in the 7% return (accumulation value) FIA product that is coupled with a guaranteed lifetime income you can never outlive. The concept of using tools… read more →
If you had the opportunity to pay off your mortgage 5, 10, 15 years early, save in excess of $100,000 in mortgage interest payments, and you could do so WITHOUT changing your current spending habits,… read more →
Thank you for your interest in Retirement Life (RL). RL is one of the best wealth building tools available today (that few people or advisors are familiar with). Why use RL to build… read more →