Working With a H.E.A.P.™ Advisor
If you would like to work with a certified H.E.A.P.™ advisor who can answer your questions and run numbers specific to your situation so you can see for yourself how many tens of thousands of dollars you can save by using H.E.A.P.™, please fill out the input form to the right.
What you will need to implement H.E.A.P.™
Whether you are receiving help from a H.E.A.P.™ trained advisor or whether you are trying to implement the plan on your own, you will need the following:
1) Your most recent mortgage statement – From this you will need the following information:
- Monthly Payment (principal and interest)
- Total Monthly Payment (if taxes and insurance are included)
- Current balance (close approximate OK)
- Approximate date opened
- Length of contract (term: 15 yr, 30 yr)
- Current Interest Rate
2) Your current monthly budget (non-mortgage) – You will need to break this down into the following categories:
- Auto loans balance and payment
- Other installment loans balance and payment(boat, R.V., etc.)
- Credit cards – individual balance and payment
- Utility payments average 12 months
- Insurance payment amounts and due dates (quarterly, annually?)
- Other monthly expenses (child support, alimony, membership dues)
3) Your current “cash” needs monthly.
- Fuel for cars
- Groceries
- “Fun money”
- Other expenditures
4) Other non-monthly expenses (which could include a child’s college tuition that is paid once or twice annually)
5) Your income
- Base amount you receive “after-tax” every time you get paid
- How often you get paid (monthly, weekly)
- Overtime or bonuses calculated as a monthly average
Once you have gathered this information, you can proceed through the step-by-step process to determine how many years you can reduce your mortgage and how many thousands of dollars you will save in interest payments using H.E.A.P.™.
Accuracy is important, but you can adjust your entries during the process.
As you probably have determined, H.E.A.P.™ is not going to be a complicated program that requires a Ph.D. for you to implement on your own or with the help of a H.E.A.P.™ trained advisor.
Getting Started
If you are ready to get started, please fill out the form on this page, and someone will contact you to get you started with your own H.E.A.P.™

If you have questions about H.E.A.P.™ or the application, please click here to email us or phone 513-997-6116. To sign up for a free consultation or to just get more information click here.